Save the turtles!

Turtle Nursery

Save The Turtles is a young and ambitious group of environmental guardians dedicated to the protection of the endangered Olive Ridley Sea Turtles at Playa Venao.

There are several factors making Playa Venao one of the most challenging beaches in Panama because all of the threats are here in one place. 

Turtle nursery

The Turtle Nursery is located at Eco Venao beach lot (in front of the yoga shall). Their first hatchlings were released Tuesday September 21 2021with a huge success – 82% survival rate, 254 turtles in 2 days from first 3 nests relocated to their little nursery.

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For more information and to get involved contact the Save the Turtles group on Instagram @savetheturtlesvenao

Save The rutltes